Thursday, January 27, 2011

back bone

the sirena- "the backlace" is perfect for a day at the beach or to add any garment (backless or not) and can be worn which ever way you like

let your feet run free

in gold

Sunday, January 23, 2011

something pretty

"At twilight, nature is not without loveliness, though perhaps its chief use is to illustrate quotations from poets."

ru in bloom


coconut mariposa addition to the collection. similar to the mariposa but with a smaller ring segment. dainty.

topsy turvy

a mariposa and some koi


sirena....its a "backlace"

give your spine some love

keep it simple in the front

the front

....and the back

agave...funky chunky quartz

tortuava.... arm bands

little shell feather


spring is creeping closer and closer. on its way to kiss us with sun shine and tantalize our senses with the sweet scent of flowers in bloom.

here is a look at my latest and greatest. inspired by the anticipation of spring to come and, of course... mother nature herself.

xo ru